New Slipp-Nott Boxes Make Ordering Flexible for Dealers

Dear Slipp-Nott dealers,

As you know, the current state of the economy remains very challenging. Historically, raw material costs have increased on the order of 2-6% about every 9-12 months. Over the past two years alone, they have increased more than 15%. In an effort to reduce both our carbon footprint and our costs we have redesigned our boxing. The new boxing will hold either bases or mats only. Packing either bases or mats into the same positive lock tab box means:

  • higher efficiency
  • decreased box unit costs since we can order more of one box rather than a smaller quantity of two different boxes
  • eliminates the padding used to keep mats from moving in between the bases
  • total tape reduction for palletized shipping (reduced taping means faster boxing and reduced tape costs)
  • 80% tape reduction for single boxes shipped via UPS (reduced taping means faster boxing and reduced tape costs)
  • individual package weight will be split between two (2) boxes and therefore results in lighter, easier to handle boxes (your back will be thank us)

Though officially bases & sets will be available separately starting in January, we have already started shipping orders using this new boxing scheme. Any “small set” ordersĀ  that are split up will now be accompanied with a packing list itemizing the order as it was placed along with a box count detailing the base/mat separation.

We understand that after buying sets from us for over two decades it may take some getting used to, so we are prepared to field any questions you may have regarding the new packaging changes.

We appreciate your business and continued support!


Jorge Julian